Honorary Patronage



About WIRE 2012
The Week of Innovative Regions WIRE 2012 Conference will be a flagship discussion forum dedicated to regional development based on knowledge and innovation addressing main current issues related to the effective implementation of EU headline targets at the regional level. The Conference will dedicate the special attention to the regional dimension as the regions are at the core of the Cohesion Policy and create a significant stakeholders of the EU main documents as the Strategy Europe 2020 and the Horizon 2020.
WIRE2012 will focus on smart regional development based on knowledge and innovation; it will address main current issues related to the effective implementation of the Innovation Union at regional level for the next period 2014-2020.
The event will be organised in close cooperation with the European Commission and will take place in Krakow, Poland on 4-5 June 2012.
The aim of the WIRE2012 conference is to present both main challenges and barriers concerning the development of innovation in regions and to elaborate recommendations for European and regional innovation policy-makers. The issue to be tackled is how to implement the Innovation Union at the Regional level; it will address three main thematic pillars:
- Innovative regions in the Horizon 2020 will investigate the role of regions in smart specialisation, the role of cities as innovation hubs, and regional innovation ecosystems within Horizon 2020;
- Stairway to Excellence will focus on the future of research and innovation at the regional level, on synergies between Horizon 2020 and the Cohesion Policy, and on smart specialisation in convergence regions and Centres of Excellence;
- Networking for ERA at the Regional Level will discuss the European Territorial Cooperation, networks of clusters, European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation, networks of research infrastructure and Multiregional Knowledge Partnerships (e.g. Danube, Baltic)
Contact details:
Phd. Ing. Neacsu Gabriel
E-mail: neacsu.gabriel2016(at)yahoo.com
- Welcome
- Session 1
- Session 2
- Session 3
- Session 4
- Session 5
- Session 6
- Session 7
- Session 8
- Session 9
- Closing session
Side Event

Explore Kraków
Photo: Wrota Malopolski
